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What is Area Code?

Area codes in the United States are part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). They are three digit numbers that represent specific geographic regions. There are hundreds of area codes across the US. Even new area codes are added as needed due to population growth and increased demand for phone numbers.

State Name State Code Area Codes
Alabama AL 205, 251, 256, 334
Alaska AK 907
Arizona AZ 480, 520, 602, 623, 928
Arkansas AR 479, 501, 870
California CA 209, 213, 310, 323, 408, 415, 510, 530, 559, 562, 619, 626, 650, 661, 707, 714, 760, 805, 818, 831, 858, 909, 916, 925, 949
Colorado CO 303, 719, 970
Connecticut CT 203, 475, 860, 959
Delaware DE 302
District of Columbia DC 202
Florida FL 239, 305, 321, 352, 386, 407, 561, 727, 754, 772, 786, 813, 850, 863, 904, 941, 954
Georgia GA 229, 404, 470, 478, 678, 706, 762, 770, 912
Hawaii HI 808
Idaho ID 208
Illinois IL 217, 224, 309, 312, 331, 447, 464, 618, 630, 708, 773, 779, 815, 847, 872
Indiana IN 219, 260, 317, 463, 574, 765, 812, 930
Iowa IA 319, 515, 563, 641, 712
Kansas KS 316, 620, 785, 913
Kentucky KY 270, 364, 502, 606, 859
Louisiana LA 225, 318, 337, 504, 985
Maine ME 207
Maryland MD 240, 301, 410, 443, 667
Massachusetts MA 339, 351, 413, 508, 617, 774, 781, 857, 978
Michigan MI 231, 248, 269, 313, 517, 586, 616, 734, 810, 906, 947, 989
Minnesota MN 218, 320, 507, 612, 651, 763, 952
Mississippi MS 228, 601, 662, 769
Missouri MO 314, 417, 573, 636, 660, 816
Montana MT 406
Nebraska NE 308, 402, 531
Nevada NV 702, 725, 775
New Hampshire NH 603
New Jersey NJ 201, 551, 609, 640, 732, 848, 856, 862, 973
New Mexico NM 505, 575
New York NY 212, 315, 332, 347, 516, 518, 585, 607, 631, 646, 680, 716, 718, 845, 914, 917, 929, 934
North Carolina NC 252, 336, 704, 743, 828, 910, 919, 980, 984
North Dakota ND 701
Ohio OH 216, 220, 234, 283, 326, 330, 380, 419, 440, 513, 567, 614, 740, 937
Oklahoma OK 405, 539, 580, 918
Oregon OR 458, 503, 541, 971
Pennsylvania PA 215, 223, 267, 272, 412, 445, 484, 570, 582, 610, 717, 724, 814, 878
Rhode Island RI 401
South Carolina SC 803, 839, 843, 854, 864
South Dakota SD 605
Tennessee TN 423, 615, 629, 731, 865, 901, 931
Texas TX 210, 214, 254, 281, 325, 346, 361, 409, 430, 432, 469, 512, 682, 713, 726, 737, 806, 817, 830, 832, 903, 915, 936, 940, 945, 956, 972, 979
Utah UT 385, 435, 801
Vermont VT 802
Virginia VA 276, 434, 540, 571, 703, 757, 804
Washington WA 206, 253, 360, 425, 509, 564
West Virginia WV 304, 681
Wisconsin WI 262, 274, 414, 534, 608, 715, 920
Wyoming WY 307

Area Code List

Where is area code 323?

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Where is area code 310?

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Where is area code 213?

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Where is area code 209?

Do you want to know about the  area code 209  which region belong to? Here 209 is a local phone number code in California (CA), USA. It is u... Read More